Free Resources for Your Church
RESOURCE KITS: A Pre-Selected Group of the Best Resources On a Given Topic
Introduction to Theology and Science: Basic
Theology and science represent disciplines where knowing God and creation is done in the most systematic way.
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Introduction to Theology and Science: Intermediate
An opportunity for your church to discover ways in which scientific insights illuminate our faith, just as our faith provides a context for the discoveries of science.
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The History of Theology and Science
The interaction of science and theology is full of surprises, especially for those who begin with the common misconception that the two are always at war.
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Evolution and Creation
Much of Christian theology has found that an understanding of contemporary evolutionary biology actually helps clarify the God of the Bible.
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The very first words of the Bible, “In the beginning, God created…,” set the tone for the entire book, and indeed for Christian faith.
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The cutting edge of the interaction of theology and science is neuroscience, the study of the human brain.
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This Is Your Brain on God
(58:06), Insights from the Cognitive Science of Religion, Melanie Nyhof, Fuller Theological Seminary
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Epigenetics and the Love of God
(37:11), New Hope Christian Reformed Church
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Is the Human Soul Material or Immaterial: Part 1 of 2
(30:03), Robin Collins and Kevin Corcoran, Calvin College
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Is the Human Soul Material or Immaterial: Part 2 of 2
(45:52), Robin Collins and Kevin Corcoran, Calvin College
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Is God a Delusion?
(58:51), Kelly James Clark, Kaufman Interfaith Institute, Grand Valley State University
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Impact of the Science and Faith Project
First Presbyterian Church, Boulder
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Science, Faith, and Scripture
First Presbyterian Church, Boulder
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Faith and Science: Perfect Together? PPT Slides
Greg Cootsona, Bidwell Presbyterian Church
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