Berkeley Covenant Church

Berkeley Covenent Church’s projects had three phases:
Conversation, Integration, and Expansion

In the 1st Phase, Conversation, they implemented a sustained engagement between pastoral leadership and resident scientists. This engagement included site visits, shared reading, videos, and podcasts—all of which prompted and promoted reflection and conversation. It was a two-way engagement: theological formation of scientists and scientific formation of theologians. Here is a list of materials they included in their process.


In the 2nd Phase, Integration, they developed an Adult Education Course, “Considering God’s Works.” This course was team-taught by pastoral staff and resident scientists. Here is a link to the course syllabus. A sampling of lecture videos is below. Another focus of this phase was the preaching of a series of sermons located in the resource list below. In addition, Berkeley Covenant Church purchased a range of books and resources for their church library.


In the 3rd Phase, Expansion, Berkeley Covenant Church sought to get the attention of folks beyond their congregation. In this effort, they produced two short videos that would appeal to a broad cross section of ages and were designed to create interest and get attention: The World Was Never Flat and The Unity of Humanity, which you can access via the videos below. There is a brief video below with pastors/scientists/lay leaders from BCC reflecting on the significance of this undertaking for their congregation.

What is Science? (48:52)

The Nature of Truth and Limits in Science and Theology (56:48)

The World Was Never Flat (3:21)

How Early Christians Read Their Bible and Understood the World of Nature (43:52)

The War that Never Was – Exploding the Myth of the Historical Conflict Between Christianity and Science (1:02:24)

“In the Beginning” — Space, Time, the Cosmos, and the Creator- Part I (1:00:16)

“In the Beginning” – Part II (53:00)

The Metaphysical Foundations of Science and the Role of Science in Faith (50:51)

The End of the World – Theological & Scientific Perspectives on Cosmic Eschatology (1:04:42)

The Problem of Evil and the Natural Sciences (1:08:08)

“Considering God’s Works” – Conclusions and Final Thoughts (46:59)

“Let Us Make Man in Our Own Image” – What does it mean to be human? (1:01:40)

Cognitive Science, Morality, and the Emergence of the Human Person (1:14:29)

The Physical Resurrection of Jesus and the Fact that Matter Matters (40:32)

The Sectarian Origins of Young Earth Creationism (1:01:32)

Unity of Humanity (4:19)
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