The Presbyterian Outlook: The Good News of Being Pro-Science by Greg Cootsona, Scientists in Congregations – May 22, 2014 I know there’s a lot of bad news in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) these days, but I’m about to deliver some good news about our denomination. We are pro-science, and an anti-science mentality is driving emerging adults away from church…Read More > |
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Christianity Today: When Science Comes to Church by Greg Cootsona, Scientists in Congregations – March 5, 2014 Most of us have heard the numbers by now. Thirty percent of the generation born in the ’80s and ’90s check the box labeled “none” when asked about their religious affiliation. A top reason they disengage from faith is their perception that faith and science inevitably conflict…Read More > |
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The BioLogos Forum: Does Science Disprove Faith? by John Ortberg, Menlo Park Presbyterian Church – March 5, 2014 The universe itself evokes a sense of wonder in us that just won’t go away. But has science proven that the universe has no purpose? Is science the only way to reliably know something? Haven’t science and religion always been at war with each other, offering rival explanations for the way things are?…Read More > |
Huffington Post: What I’ve Learned From Scientists (So Far) by Rev. William Lovin – July 7, 2013 Can a scientist also be a person of faith? For nearly two years I have been working closely with some of the scientists in the United Church of Christ congregation that I serve. Ours was one of over 30 churches from many denominations that participated in the Scientists in Congregations project, funded by the Templeton Foundation…Read More > |
Huffington Post: The Science of the Unforced Rhythms of Grace by Greg Cootsona – April 24, 2013 Over the past two decades, I’ve been studying (both academically and popularly) the intersection of science and spirituality. I’ve also been a percussionist for about 40 years. One clear conclusion from this combination of experience: Life is best lived with the right rhythm…Read More > |
St. Louis Review: Ethicist Confident that Adult Stem Cells Will Prevail by Joseph Kenny – October 17, 2012 A health care ethicist from the Center for Clinical Bioethics at Georgetown University is confident that in a relatively short period of time research on embryonic stem cells will be left behind because of advances in adult stem cell use and research…Read More > |
Daily Camera: Grant Kick-Starts Church Exploration of Science and Faith by Megan Quinn – June 22, 2012 Balancing faith with science, one Boulder church aims to delve into how seemingly opposite topics can enrich everyday life together. First Presbyterian Church recently received a grant from Scientists in Congregations, a program that aims to bring collaborative scientific discussions into sermons and church life…Read More > |
Think Christian: Spiritual Perception and the Science of Color by John Van Sloten – May 24, 2012 During a recent episode of “Radiolab” exploring the science of color, the hosts hooked me with this early question: “Is the light without or is the light within?” A scientist on the show figured it was both (and surely the Kingdom of God is both within us and around us)…Read More > |
The Columbus Dispatch: Church’s Lectures Link Evolution, Creation by Meredith Heagney – February 10, 2012 The cartoon the pastor projected onto the screen depicted Charles Darwin and Jesus Christ in a physical struggle, on the verge of strangling each other. The Rev. Tommy Faris, pastor of University Baptist Church near Ohio State University, is tired of the idea that you can believe in evolution or God but not both…Read More > |
Chico News & Review: Can Science and Religion Be Friends? by Kim Weir – February 9, 2012 In the beginning, when God created the heavens and the earth, the earth was a formless void. Then God finished the task, which included the potential for ongoing molecular change and discovery of creation’s essential mechanisms. God saw everything that had been made, and, indeed, it was very good…Read More > |
The United Methodist Church: Science Can Help Church Keep Its Young Folk An article, “Six Reasons Young Christians Leave Church,” highlights results from a study by the Barna Group. The findings were reported in the recently published book, “You Lost Me: Why Young Christians Are Leaving the Church … and Rethinking Faith” by David Kinnaman. This nationwide study found evidence that for too many young folk, “Churches come across as antagonistic to science…Read More > |