About Us

The History of Scientists in Congregations

Scientists in Congregations is a $2 million grant program, funded by the John Templeton Foundation, created to catalyze the dialogue of theology and science in local congregations. In 2011, grants were awarded to thirty-five congregations in the United States (representing twenty-five states), as well as one in Canada and one in France.


These grant recipients produced a wide range of projects on topics in theology and science that enhanced their congregational life. This website has gathered many of those projects as a way of resourcing additional churches that would like to explore their engagement with the insights of science. Our hope is that you will use these resources as guides for leading your own discussions and classes, or as inspiration to craft new material specifically tailored to your congregation.


Who We Are


Greg Cootsona

Onsite Co-Project Leader
Bidwell Presbyterian Church
Chico, CA


Dave Navarra

Program Administrator/
Primary Contact
Community Presbyterian Church
Danville, CA
Phone: (530) 774-7268

David'sbio pic

David Wood

Co-Project Leader
Glencoe Union Church
Glencoe, IL

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© 2016 Scientists in Congregations      (530) 774-7268      info@scientistsincongregations.org